Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Women's Brain

Guys listen up. We do not know anything about women - NOTHING. Our minds are not capable of processing the type of shit women do. I mean, we process things into one of five categories: [1] SEX, [2] Eating, [3] Going to the bathroom, [4] Sleeping and [5] Sports. Face the facts, guys, we are simple minded, and we love it, but women do not.

Women are complicated, to say the least. We have no idea what they want, and, frankly, sometimes I am willing to bet they don't even know. You see, they have some sort of advanced code that they speak. So advanced that even top level FBI, CIA, MIT, and NSA code breakers are left scracthing their heads, and saying "what the fuck?"

Woman: I said no.
FBI: OK, so she means no, right?
MIT: Nope.
FBI: She means yes then, right?
CIA: Nope.
FBI: Well, what the hell does she mean?!?
CIA, NSA, MIT: No one knows.

See what I mean. No one knows what the hell you mean when you talk. You women need to cut us some slack over this, because it is not our fault that your language is more complex than the Super String Theory.

Women, we love you more than words can really express, but we are to damn confused by you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty damn funny, bro. You should write more.