Friday, March 21, 2008

Jenna Jameson



Now, I believe that most of us have probably heard of Jenna Jameson. If not, then chances you probably have never lived a day in your life. Anyway, Jameson is probably one of the highest paid porn stars EVER. Despite being a porn star, she drop-dead gorgeous. However, recent pictures have surfaced in which she LITERALLY looks like a skeleton. It is sad to see such a tragic transformation. Now, she is Dating famed UFC fighter, Tito Ortiz. Maybe Tito is still reveling in the fact that he has somehow managed to bag the most famous porn star ever, but he needs to intervene and get her some fucking help - immediately. Don't believe me? Well, below are before and after pictures of Jenna


You prudes take note, one of the pictures may be to much for you to handle.

This is Jenna looking very good.

Ok, she is starting to change a bit, but still looks good.

GOOD GOD WOMAN, what the FUCK happened?!?

Ok, do you see what I mean? Now this message goes out to Mr. Tito Ortiz

Tito, my man, my homie. I know that you are a great fighter, and that you probably are on cloud 9 knowing that the all-famous Jenna Jameson is your woman, but damn man! She is sick, bro. This women is systematicaly self-destructing before your very eyes, and you are not doing shit about it! For a moment, come down off of your high-horse realize that this woman is dying. For a second, please forget the fact that you bagged a porn-star, and see her for what she really is: a person in need of dire help. Go see Dr. Drew, or somebody, but get her the help she deserves. She has survived the one industry that carries with it the biggest risks, but she does not need to go through this shit. In closing, Tito, get her HELP!

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